Saturday, March 26, 2011

My New Fave Restaurant- Breuckelen

In my new habit of exploring Brooklyn, I stumbled across this gem and I've been calling it my favorite restaurant ever since. (two days ago:)  It's my favorite type of cuisine- "new American."  My skate dusted with hazlenut was out of this world. And the amuse-bouche with tofu and flake was also stellar.  The beat and blue cheese salad was great, and I have it on good authority that the duck was out of this world.

The best part?  The chef was there and came by the table to discuss how to make my meal gluten-free, such a nice touch. Our waiter had a lovely accent and was so attentive without being annoying. He even rushed out into the SNOW to help hail us a cab. Needless to say, I'll be back.
Brooklyn totally necessitates a Hipstamatic pic
268 Clinton St
(between Congress St & Warren St)
BrooklynNY 11201

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vogue on Vogue on Vogue etc.

Every Vogue from around the world in 2010 layered on top of one another.  Do you see the Virgin Mary?!

Vogue on Vogue on Vogue etc.

Italian only

French Only


Could You Live in a Trailer

From my new favorite design blog,, this Airstream is truly a dream.  Can you imagine traveling to and fro across the country, living in this little shiny pod.  What a chic nomad you would be.

lovingly restored (and all images) by Santa Barbara architect Matthew Hofmann

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gluten Free Delight! Rubirosa NoLiTa

I had calamari today!  And mozzarella sticks!  And I could've had pizza!  What a day!  Rubirosa has a large gluten-free menu, with pasta and pizza and obviously calamari and mozzarella sticks.  It was amazing.  Now, I won't say they were the absolute, platonic best of either item, but honestly, from a GF perspective, it was heaven.  Also, the restaurant is totally cute and my non-gf companions had pizza that they said was terrific.  I can't comment, but it did smell tantalizing.

235 Mulberry St
(between Spring St & Prince St) 

McQueen by Sarah Burton

Even after the passing of McQueen, the label continues to live, and in a glorious fashion at that.  Look 1 might be my favorite.

Photo: Yannis Vlamos /,com

Monday, March 7, 2011

Keste Pizza on Bleecker- Gluten Free!

My other glu-tard friend CW suggested dinner here the other night, as they have G-free pizza on Monday and Tuesday.  And I have to say, it was pretty good!  I mean, yes, it's not normal pizza.  But as far as hitting the spot, having a yummy crust, and really getting that traditional feel down, it was perf.

We had a margarita and a tomato sauce only. (the GF menu is pretty minimal but I am NOT complaining)  The dough had a nice chewiness and the sauce/cheese combos tasted just right.  I will so be going back.  On a Monday or a Tuesday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prada How I Love Thee


Amsterdam Loft of my Dreams

Generally speaking, I'm not a lover of loft-living apartments, I like a more traditional delineation of rooms.  But this loft in Amsterdam done by design firm Uxus Design is an exception.  It feels so natural with all of the wood (warm and lived in) and then, of course, the draping creates a more lush experience, contrary to that harsh modernity of your average loft.  Love.

There's a picture on their website of the closet, walled off by a very full set of drapes that is just such a beautiful idea, and can generally look so cheap and make shift.  I couldn't pull it for the blog, but I would definitely recommend checking out their work/website.

Photos:  Uxus Design

Thanks to Trendhome for leading me to this!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ferragamo FW 2011

Photo: Yannis Vlamos /
I want to wear this outfit, right now.  I know people are getting all geared up about spring but personally I  don't feel I'm done with winter.  And for that, I'd like to wear this.