Thursday, February 3, 2011

Leaving Well Enough Alone

Today I stopped by Francois Payard on Houston on the way back from a meeting.  Ostensibly, I needed something for lunch but I also wanted a macaron, having snagged a mini one yesterday in the office, my appetite for my fave cookies was whetted.  They had five flavors of the larger ones, oreo, coffee, cranberry, something else unappetizing, and PB&J. I went with PB&J because, well, why the hell not?  The name on the door being French lulled me into a false sense of gastronomic security.

It sucked.  No PB, some J, terrible consistency for the filling, rather hard and fudgy and altogether too thick.  The cookie sandwich parts were allright, though the flavor aside from sweet was barely discernible. 

The delicious ones at work were from Ceci-Cela, and I can tell you, I know where my next macaron is coming from.

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