Monday, January 31, 2011

Things That Could've Been Lame But Weren't

Last night, I went to an indoor movie screening hosted by UrbanDaddy. The event space, in Nolita, is an indoor "park" with trees and fake grass. There was a moment, an hour before, where I was asking myself, really? An urbandaddy movie night? But yes, I went, and am glad I did.

When we entered there was a ice sculpture demonstration, referencing Edward Scissorhands, the movie on tap. I was handed a special spritzy cocktail and wandered around the park.

There were pillows and blankets to lounge out on while eating our picnic.

Our little bbq (literally, the food came in a barbecue) filled with Little Owl deliciousness. Sorry for the ick photo, too good not to dive in.

The menu.

Edward Scissorhands is certainly a strange movie, but per usual, Johnny Depp did not disappoint. And the evening was such a quirky way to spend a Sunday night, totally low key but with delicious food, an open bar, and the opportunity to lie down while in public sans embarrassment.

Apparently, they are doing it for another two weeks, I'd highly recommend going with a friend or date. (this makes for an amazing date, actually, a movie but you can both chat and drink)

Stila Bronzing Tinted Moisturizer

I am the most boring make-up person ever. I buy new make up at most once a year, replacing a product I've probably been using for years. I have favorites and I use them 'til they are gone, which considering how ofter I wear make up, well, it's kind of gross how long I've had my favorite blush.

But, in a recent, out-of-character, time killing foray into Sephora I came across this magic stuff. It's a tinted moisturizer, music to my low-maintenance ears. I use it in addition to my regular moisturizer, lightly mushing it in on top and I just look so much more alive. It's subtle, not shimmery, but it gives me a little color and a little dew and only takes a sec. Love.

available at

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Famous Sichuan

Adventures in dining..... Today, I tried Sichuan hot pot for the first time, and I have to say, I was into it. Hours later, it's still sitting like a rock in my stomach, but that's neither here nor there.

I went for lunch with some expert orderers/mandarin speakers and I barely have a clue what we ate. For some of the items, it's probably better that way- does it really help to know what part of the stomach it's from? There are two broths in the divided fondue-type pot, one spicy and filled with peppers, the other clear and savory. You dump things in there, tofu, thinly sliced meat, white mushroom thingies that were my fave, etc... and let them cook then scoop them out with a metal basket or your chopsticks. Both broths were really delicious, though after a while dipping all your food in spicy oil feels a little gross.

Sichuan was a gluten risk, traditionally there's no soy sauce in the broth which is basically just oil, but you never know.... My stomach is telling me it was gluten free though, so I may just have to make this a regular hungover lunch spot.

Michael dumping in more mushrooms for me!

Famous Sichuan, 10 Pell St (between Bowery & Doyers St)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Walnut Wallpapers

Barbara Bestor, chairwoman of the new graduate program at the Woodbury University School of Architecture in Los Angeles, did a piece for the Times on wallpaper. Many of her picks from the interactive portion were from Walnut Wallpapers and were adorbs. I would love to be cemented in one place long enough to consider wallpapering. I love the way it looks, dramatic and symmetrical and a little old-fashioned.

Walnut is in LA, sad face, but they have a great website and I've fallen even more in love with a few of their papers.


Mirage in Blue Raspberry

Makelike in Lush

There are probably a hundred more on the site I love, I recommend checking it out.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Red Quinoa Dirty Hippie Breakfast

Bon Appetit online had a 14 day cleanse to start the new year, the Food Lover's Cleanse. It was an interesting take on a cleanse, as it was definitely real food, just cutting back on dairy, lots of whole grains and anti-oxidant packed foods. Despite my best intentions, there's no way I could commit to something like that. But some of the recipes definitely made it into my repertoire, like krispy kale and this breakfast quinoa. Quinoa for breakfast?! Oh yes, my friends, it's true.

Image from

The recipe comes from and originally from Dr. John La Puma's recent release - Chef MD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine

1 cup organic 1% low fat milk (ed note- I used Almond as part of the cleanse's suggestion)
1 cup water
1 cup organic quinoa, (ed note - I used red and definitely rinsed, despite the pre-rinsed label)
2 cups fresh blackberries, organic preferred (ed note - frozen, duh)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/3 cup chopped pecans, toasted (ed note - tried both sliced almonds and crushed walnuts --> almonds all the way!)
4 teaspoons organic agave nectar, such as Madhava brand (ed note - subbed honey, let's be real)

Combine milk, water and quinoa in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and simmer 15 minutes or until most of the liquid is absorbed. Turn off heat; let stand covered 5 minutes. Stir in blackberries and cinnamon; transfer to four bowls and top with pecans. Drizzle 1 teaspoon agave nectar over each serving.

Serves 4.

John Pawson In Plain Space at the Design Museum in London

Normally, I'd say it's pretty mean to do a post on something that no one who reads this blog can probably experience, but since we're all in this boat together, I'll just do it. My favorite museum, due to a very memorable teenage viewing of their Manolo Blahnik exhibit, is the Design Museum in London. I still get their e-newsletter and have been known to purchase from their museum store online, that's how good the exhibitions are.

This week brought me news of a soon to close exhibit called In Plain Space by John Pawson. From the museum's website " Plain Space celebrates Pawson's career to date with models, film, photographs and architectural elements and includes some of his most important projects including the Cistercian Monastery of Our Lady of Nový Dvůr in the Czech Republic, the Sackler Crossing at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the Calvin Klein store on Madison Avenue, New York."

The image in the newsletter was enough to stop me in my proverbial tracks, it's so calm, beautiful. The space is dramatic yet austere, you can see how this is a man who designs monasteries.

Here's another shot of the exhibit.

Images from

Wish I was across the pond.....

Dining Room Table and Chairs by Verner Panton

Photo: Peter Margonelli/Courtesy of Robert Couturier from

I came across this shot of an English couple's NYC apartment on I love this dining set.

I'd like it better in gold, but that's how I feel about pretty much everything that's not edible. Modern but not harsh, I think it's the perfect size for my imaginary apartment I'm constantly decorating.

Had to google Verner Panton and wikipedia tells me "is considered one of Denmark's most influential 20th-century furniture and interior designers." Alright then . He also invented the S chair, which, while I don't currently have a place for it in my imaginary apartment, is a pretty pivotal piece in the history of furniture.

image from

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Spring Windows

A bit of a blessing and a curse- my walk to and from work takes me past some of soho's best mass-market shopping. And today I noticed that the windows have gone from SALE to Spring!
Zara especially made me want to jump in and start purchasing brightly colored items. I held back, but just barely.

The seventies meets the yachting lifestyle at Zara

Rhapsody in blue at Forever 21

Last Night....

A pic I took last night coming home from dinner- I was actually a little scared, I got out of the subway and had no clue where I was, total white-out, no street signs or buildings visible and stuck taxis left and right.

Apparently, my internal compass was working though, my initial guess as to where home was turned out to be correct and I literally jogged through the ~19 inches we supposedly got to get home.

Artisanal Restaurant

Not eating Gluten can really ruin going out to dinner, but YES fondue at Artisanal is gluten-free. w00t! The waiter reminded me not to eat that bread. Why, thank you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Medallion Dinnerware from Target

Available at

While perusing, second only to going to Target in real life on my list of favorite non-apparel shopping, I found these porcelain plates. In general, I don't like the idea of eating of something that isn't white, but I thought these were so pretty! Especially the bowl and mug. And economical at $54.99 for four places. I guess the Chinoiserie theme continues....

Dior Couture P/E 2011

Couture collections don't usually elicit the kind of response from me that the latest Dior by John Galliano has. Couture seems an outdated model, based on a different time before "fast fashion." I know some people still order from the ateliers in Paris, but do they necessitate these shows? Aren't 2 major collections a year plus pre collections enough?!

But- back to DIOR -simply stunning! These are both works of art and legitimate apparel and I'm in love. Below are my three favorite looks.... Maybe it's because I'm reading Deborah Mitford's autobiography, Wait for Me!, but the silhouette really speaks to me right now.

All photos from

My New Headband

As many of you know, it's freezing and slushy snowing in NYC right now. Thankfully I purchased a new headband from Top Shop this weekend. I think it looks like Edie Beale in a good way, my friend Christine told me it was Edie Beale in a bad way.


The Newest Vegetable of My Dreams

Per usual, I let Fresh Direct take the reins with my in season vegetables and this time I was NOT disappointed. I didn't even get a chance to take my own picture of my Tuscan Kale chips as I ate them so fast there simply wasn't time.


  • 12 large Tuscan kale leaves, rinsed, dried, cut lengthwise in half, center ribs and stems removed
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


  • Preheat oven to 250°F. Toss kale with oil in large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Arrange leaves in single layer on 2 large baking sheets. Bake until crisp, about 30 minutes for flat leaves and up to 33 minutes for wrinkled leaves. Transfer leaves to rack to cool.

I actually baked mine a little hotter, like 400, for about 20-25 minutes, (and I added S&P, duh). They were perhaps a little too crispy and kept crumbling all over me and the sofa but the flavor more than made up for it. I also dipped them in sour cream. Amazing. Would be a great hors d'ouevre.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Downton Abbey

Masterpiece Theater, a little geeky pleasure I picked up from my parents, is showing Downton Abbey, an amazing ITV production. Jane Austen meets Gosford Park (hardly surprising as it was created and written by Gosford Park's Julian Fellowes)

Also- it stars Maggie Smith as lady Grantham! Professor McGonagall! pulled together some choice quotes....

• "I couldn't have electricity in the house, I wouldn't sleep a wink. All those vapors floating about."

• "What is a weekend?"

• "Last night! He looked so well. Of course it would happen to a foreigner. No Englishman would dream of dying in someone else's house."

• Cora: "I might send her over to visit my aunt.She could get to know New York."
Lady Grantham: "Oh, I don't think things are quite that desperate."

• Lady Grantham: "Why would you want to go to a real school? You're not a doctor's daughter."
Sybil: "Nobody learns anything from a governess, apart from French and how to curtsy."
Lady Grantham: "What else do you need? Are you thinking of a career in banking?"
Cora: "Things are different in America."
Lady Grantham: "I know. They live in wigwams."

• Doctor: "Mrs. Crawley tells me she has recommended nitrate of silver and tincture of steel."
Lady Grantham: "Why, is she making a suit of armor?"

• Lord Grantham: "We better go in soon or it isn't fair to Mrs. Padmore."
Lady Grantham: "Oh, is her cooking so precisely timed? You couldn't tell."

• Lady Grantham: "You are quite wonderful the way you see room for improvement wherever you look. I never knew such reforming zeal."
Mrs. Crawley: "I take that as a compliment."
Lady Grantham: "I must've said it wrong."

Tune in to PBS or it's available on ITunes!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cherry dress

And so, despite the snow on the ground and the basically Antarctica-like temperatures this weekend, my eyes have turned to spring. And what did I find? This Dolce dress. I am obsessed with everything about it. The print, the shape, the style. I have no idea why, it is beyond not me. I can't even imagine a scenario where I would have somewhere to where it. Could one get away with wearing this to a wedding? It's not "white," but...

Not Really "Mellow" Yellow has a sale today on The Breece collection and I am obsessed with this crackle server. I'm really feeling Chinoiserie this week (and will be even more so if I win my ebay bid on a Chinese jewelry box, fingers crossed)

I think this is ostensibly for a dining room, but I'd like to put it in my bedroom and store pretty handbags on the shelves and more utilitarian ones in the cabinets. I'm also really into that warm yellow and may have to purchase this stool from Nate Berkus for HSN to sate this desire.

And at 119.95$, it's a little friendlier on the ole budget.

Pad Thai!

(sorry for the poor photo)

Last night, my friend Joanna and I embarked on our Bones tradition, cooking and red wine. World-renowned anthropologist Temperance Brennan, aka Bones, drinks red wine and eats a lot of Asian food, so we do, too! Jo and I decided to attempt Pad Thai and it was a culinary adventure to say the least but DELISH.

The recipe is here at Parts we could've done better, ie we over fried the tofu, but considering this was way out of our collective cooking wheelhouse and it tasted amazing, we'll put it in the win column.

It's not a recipe for the faint of heart, it definitely took a full hour of work with lots of chopping, frying, pots, pans, and what not. And it was no healthier than the restaurant version, tons of salt and oil! But it WAS gluten free with tamari soy sauce.

Bones, sadly, was not the best episode and Jo guessed the ending 20 minutes in.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Alexander Wang Booties

I want these for spring more than anything I have ever wanted (this week). Everything about them, I love. The color. The shape. The material. Available on

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lagrein Perl at Maialino

I am obsessed with this wine. My friend Ben and I split a bottle and then some at Maialino and I fell deeply in love.

I am not embarrassed to tell bartenders and sommeliers I like a fully, juicy, fruity red and this what they gave us. It's a grape I'd never heard of, not that I'm an expert, but even wikipedia wasn't too helpful as it says it's generally not a grape used in single varietal wines. And I couldn't find anywhere to buy it online, very depressing.

If you're at Maialino, I HIGHLY suggest ordering it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Fresh Direct lured me into purchasing parsnips with their "in season" voodoo. I am still not 100% what parsnips ARE. White carrots? Let's just say they're white carrots. After some googling, I couldn't come up with a cool recipe so I just sliced them into coins and roasted with olive oil and sea salt. To be honest, I didn't love them. Granted, it was a very simple preparation but they tasted a little too sweet for me.

According to they are a good source of "Potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Folate and Manganese." So not a waste of a meal but next time I think I'll go with the tried and true puree or mash.

My First Ikea "Hack"

Hack probably is too strong a word. But I fell in love with the lines and price of this dresser but the drawer pulls were just hideous. After some ebay trawling that left me empty-handed, a fortuitous moment in Home Depot led me to these little 99 cent babies. And now I can put things away more easily because the drawers are so easy to open. (yeah, right)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thanks to Stylecourt for introducing me to Kristen Buckingham- I am obsesssed with the paint/lack of that highlights the art in this room. Photos from Kristen Buckingham, LLC

From Maison 21- I adore this. Stark Antelope Carpet
I am in love with these sunglasses. Must acquire pre-Hamptons.

Prettier than Tumblr

I think this lay out is prettier than Tumblr so I'm going to switch.