Friday, January 28, 2011

John Pawson In Plain Space at the Design Museum in London

Normally, I'd say it's pretty mean to do a post on something that no one who reads this blog can probably experience, but since we're all in this boat together, I'll just do it. My favorite museum, due to a very memorable teenage viewing of their Manolo Blahnik exhibit, is the Design Museum in London. I still get their e-newsletter and have been known to purchase from their museum store online, that's how good the exhibitions are.

This week brought me news of a soon to close exhibit called In Plain Space by John Pawson. From the museum's website " Plain Space celebrates Pawson's career to date with models, film, photographs and architectural elements and includes some of his most important projects including the Cistercian Monastery of Our Lady of Nový Dvůr in the Czech Republic, the Sackler Crossing at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the Calvin Klein store on Madison Avenue, New York."

The image in the newsletter was enough to stop me in my proverbial tracks, it's so calm, beautiful. The space is dramatic yet austere, you can see how this is a man who designs monasteries.

Here's another shot of the exhibit.

Images from

Wish I was across the pond.....

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