Friday, January 21, 2011

Pad Thai!

(sorry for the poor photo)

Last night, my friend Joanna and I embarked on our Bones tradition, cooking and red wine. World-renowned anthropologist Temperance Brennan, aka Bones, drinks red wine and eats a lot of Asian food, so we do, too! Jo and I decided to attempt Pad Thai and it was a culinary adventure to say the least but DELISH.

The recipe is here at Parts we could've done better, ie we over fried the tofu, but considering this was way out of our collective cooking wheelhouse and it tasted amazing, we'll put it in the win column.

It's not a recipe for the faint of heart, it definitely took a full hour of work with lots of chopping, frying, pots, pans, and what not. And it was no healthier than the restaurant version, tons of salt and oil! But it WAS gluten free with tamari soy sauce.

Bones, sadly, was not the best episode and Jo guessed the ending 20 minutes in.

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